During the month of July, all donations from our tasting bar will go to local food banks here in Windsor-Essex County.

“More and more people are facing hunger and food insecurity due to a rise in inflation and housing costs,” reports the CTV News Windsor. “Food bank officials believe families have to choose between paying the bills and eating, noting demand isn’t going down like it typically would during warmer months.”
23% of Canadians Report Eating “Less than They Should” Due to Rising Inflation
61% Believe the Cost of Housing is Now the Biggest Contributor to Food Insecurity in Canada
Food Banks Canada
With the state of the world, it’s no surprise that more and more people are having to resort to using food banks in order to feed themselves and their families. There’s been an influx of new people using local food banks and with no ease in the cost of housing, these numbers are expected to increase. During the months where less people tend to donate, local food banks need our help now more than ever.
All month long, we’re donating all proceeds from our tasting bar and any donations made on online orders to our local food banks here in Windsor-Essex county. If you’re looking to donate in other ways, items like peanut butter, canned meat, cereal and snacks for children are in high demand. You can donate directly to your town or city’s food bank.