Wine Details
750ml bottle
Auxerrois, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Moscato, Riesling
Vintage Whites 6 Pack
750ml | Product # 180885
Wine Details
750ml bottle
Auxerrois, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Moscato, Riesling
6 bottles of some of our favourite Pelee Island Winery whites for the great price of $61.75!
Package includes: Gewürztraminer Reserve VQA, Eco Chardonnay/Auxerrois VQA, Forward Exotic - Moscato, Forward Crisp - Pinot Grigio/Riesling, Tailwind Chardonnay/Auxerrois VQA, Pelee Pure White - White Blend (Organic)
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